Sunday, September 21, 2008

knit knit knit

I decided to start the tilted duster from Interweave last year. I bought the yarn at stitches East from the Webs booth. I have been making socks,bags & hats. So decided i better get going on this sweater. So far fast going I am half way up one sleeve. the from and back "yoke" sections are done.
I also am finishing up the fuchias for the market bag the pistils and stamen's are a pain! But will be beautiful when done.

Monday, September 8, 2008

onto sewing now

Well our little knit group met yesturday. I forgot to bring directions for the fushia's I am knitting for a noni bag. So i casted on my 2nd sock that was interupted by ravelympics. \Got home and had to sew cell phone bags and little wallets using pink ribbon fabrics. Trying to come up with more ideas and quick sew projects for fund raiser next month.

Apartment getting back into shape ceiling patched and painted. I don't like cottage sheese ceilings but it has saved the day (or$$) Roof company came back , the crew took soffits off, but left it open to the outside! The gutter guy came and put new gutter up without the soffit. Now it has to come back down..never ending