Saturday, August 6, 2011

Watson & I

It's been 2months since Watson entered my life. Who would of thought I'd get so attached to him, he is just the perfect dog for me. He could of cost me less in Vet bills though! But now he's healthy feeling good. He was just groomed yesterday got a short summer look no more Benji look! The groomed says he's a purebred cairn terrier and his nosiness, barking & acute sense of hearing & smell is typical ( she used to raise & show them) I can tell you he's a real busy- body out on walks- he knows where all the dogs life on our route. The funniest is seeing him do his "rabbit-dance" he does after seeing a rabbit in the back yard. He loves the " old ladies at Lancaster Towers has to greet everyone of them and get petted.
I' m challenging myself to blog daily, improve my writing skills. See what retirement does to forces you to do and learn new things.

1 comment:

Scrappin4kim(Jennifer) said...

Amazing what you can do with your free time!! I'll be watching and reading!!